Thursday, October 22, 2009

Snarling and Mauling

Oh Mr. Dik, you rascal you. Are we dithering in Afghanistan again? Well, we shouldn’t be surprised. You only had eight years to mess it up. A couple of more years and maybe you could have done a thorough enough job that nobody could do anything about it ever. That must be a big disappointment. No wonder you make so much noise.

Yeah, we’re letting those naughty little Talibanistas walk all over us, like they had any business running a country in the first place. And what’s with this taking opinions from other countries into account? The US of A don’t take no sqwak off nobody. We are the pit bulls of politicals. We know only snarling and mauling. With us or agin us.

Now why isn’t it that we invaded Saudi Arabia? Oh yeah, we only invade undemocratic despotisms where distribution of wealth is way inequitable.

So why don’t we just invade us?

Here’s Thinking for You.

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