Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Wages of Sin is Wages

Mark Hurd bailed out of Hewlitt Packard after some kind of sexual harassment suit landed in their laps.

What exactly Hurd did to qualify for the shakedown is very unclear. Hurd himself and the company he is credited with revitalizing by cutting about a thousand jobs seem to be saying there was no sex and no harassment, only some kind of misinterpretation. For this minor carelessness they canned his ass, and he settled with his adversary for an undisclosed amount. Do you suppose she got forty dollars and a tee-shirt?

A pillow stuffed with about 30 million cushioned Hurd’s fall from grace. I don’t think you could call it a parachute. I don’t think there’s any way to make 30 million buoyant. Where do I sign up for harassment?

Here's Thinking for You.

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