Monday, October 3, 2011

Okay Bubba

Okay, Bubba Boehner (and Bubba Ryan and Bubba McConnell). For once the republicans are spot on, and why don’t we admit it? Yes, this is a class war. It’s a class war between the people who make wealth possible and the people who want the benefits without the responsibility. People with money want somebody to keep foreign threats away from them, protect them from fraud, secure their person and property for them at home, maintain their public rights of way, inspect their food, and recover their bodies when they crash their private planes. Like Warren Buffet says, their needs are out of proportion to the rest of us, but do they want to pay in proportion to their demands? No, and why should they want to pay? If they had to pay for everything they benefit from, they wouldn’t have any more money than anybody else, and then what would be the use of a class war?

I’m just asking.

Here’s Thinking for You,


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