Thursday, February 19, 2009

Down with Tall Letters

The American Psychological Association distinguished the construction of citation forms in professional publications by removing capital letters from titles. I would like to suggest extending this efficiency to modification of all titles, such as “the wizard of oz,” for example.

In fact, the construction of all text could be vastly simplified by dispensing with capital letters entirely, thereby eliminating controversies over such thorny issues as hyphenated constructions (Web-Based or Web-based?), and other derivative terms. capital letters are really only a form of linguistic imperialism anyway, an extension of patriarchal dominance that privileges assertive thought. elimination of capital letters would therefore establish more gender-neutral and diversity-friendly language forms.

likewise, the complexity of language imposed by capital letters is at least equaled by complications imposed through punctuation. elimination of punctuation in addition to capital letters would also simplify the use of text no more controversies over dependent clause inversions set off by commas elements of lists or sentences connected improperly the meaning now depends as it should entirely on the context

having dispensed with the cultural tyranny of capital letters and punctuation consider the relative usefulness of various letters of the alphabet most vowels occur with a frequency that makes them intuitive the use of vowels is therefore redundant and merely contributes to spelling errors wtht vwls th lngg bcms vstly mr ffcnt nd n fct mny rptd ltts r qully nprdctv wtht vwls or dbl ltrs mny ns pr nfrquntly w rly nly nd th cmn ns gt rd f x y z k q v nd m d wth th rst ndgtrdspcs

And so I conclude my argument. APA has the right idea. Psychology rocks.

Here's thinking for you.


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